Home > Lawn Care Blog > 3 Tips to Make Lawn Care Simpler

make lawn care a more simple, enjoyable task with great results
Lawn care can seem to many like an inconvenient, time-consuming chore that takes up most of your time in the summer. However, there are many ways you can make lawn care simpler and more efficient, so you can spend more time enjoying your outdoor area rather than taking care of it.

1.   Use mulch around trees and plant beds to decrease the weeding, watering, and grass trimming that is otherwise necessary. Putting mulch around new trees will also help protect them from damage from lawn mowers and trimmers. When you use mulch in plant beds as well, you won’t have to worry about constant weeding, as the layer of mulch will decrease light on the soil, preventing weeds from growing and spreading.

2.   Build pathways you can mow over. There are few things more inconvenient than mowing around individual stepping stones or pathways in your outdoor space. When your outdoor walkway is low enough you can mow right over it without damaging the walkway, your mowing time will be much more efficient.  

3.   Fertilizer and other products are a great way to ensure your grass and other plants are healthy and grow properly. With the right materials and help from a lawn care expert, your lawn will look beautiful year after year.

These are just a few of the many ways to make lawn care a more simple, enjoyable task with great results. If you have other lawn care needs and would like to work with a professional team, make Yard & Nursery Depot your first call.