Home > Lawn Care Blog > Key Elements for Eye-Catching Landscape Design

Landscape DesignYou may have seen something in a magazine or even in your neighborhood that really made you desire a better landscape design for your home. It is truly remarkable how a well-planned and orchestrated landscape design can transform your home and provide for curb appeal that’s second-to-none. You might notice one or two elements and go down to your local nursery to get them, then return only to scratch your head about where to put them and how to assure that they grow properly. Don’t feel bad, as that happens to most people.

The key is to avoid hasty decisions and instead sit down and make a plan from beginning to end. By having a landscape design all planned out, you will avoid ending up with an eclectic result that doesn’t look like you had hoped. If you really want an eye-catching landscape design, there are a few key elements to be sure to incorporate into your plan.

One element to consider is proportion. For example, you may be enamored with a particular type of tree, but not realize that its mature stage will be such that it dwarfs your home and all the other landscaping. The same can be true of hedges. Additionally, a key element for an eye-catching landscape design is getting the ideal amount of variety. You may love lots of color, but if you go overboard, it may look like a Mardi Gras party. While that may be what you want, and there is nothing wrong with that, if it wasn’t your intention, you may feel a bit overwhelmed.

One of the ways to assure that you have not only the best landscape design plan, but also a flawless execution, is to give us a call at Yard & Nursery Depot. When you want it to be perfect, trust us to make that a reality for you. You can relax in your hammock and let us do all the work!