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Reasons to Visit a Nursery Year Round

You may associate gardening supplies with the spring, but there are reasons to come to a nursery all through the year. Here at Yard & Nursery Depot, we are ready and eager to serve you any day of the year.

  • Fall and Winter Gardening- One of the great benefits of living in the Southeast is that the growing season can last for three or even four seasons. If you enjoy reaping the benefits of a home garden, then you can extend your harvest well into the fall and winter with the right crops and care. Vegetables such as lettuce, kale, chard, collard greens and brussels sprouts can continue to grow after the frost. You’ll want to plant them a little deeper and you may need to protect them with a sheet at night. Carrots can also continue growing in the colder months. Although the tops may not continue to thrive, the carrots will likely be safe underground, especially if they are given a covering of mulch. With the right attention and a little luck, you can be reaping a harvest until December or January, just in time to start planting again in February.
  • Supplies and Services- We have all the supplies you’ll need to keep your yard clean and safe during the winter. We also offer year-round yard care, so if you need someone to attend to your raking, trimming, and other tasks, we’re here to help.
  • Seasonal Items- Whether you need autumn pumpkins and gourds, Christmas trees, or spring and summer planting supplies, at our nursery, you’ll find a great selection and a friendly, knowledgeable staff here to answer all of your questions.

No matter what your gardening needs may be, our nursery is here to help all throughout the year. Come and see us today.